import type { AstroIntegration } from "astro";
import type * as mdast from "mdast";
import remarkDirective from "remark-directive";
import type * as unified from "unified";
import { remove } from "unist-util-remove";
import { visit } from "unist-util-visit";
import type { BlockContent } from "mdast";
import type { MdxJsxAttribute } from "mdast-util-mdx-jsx";
interface NodeProps {
attributes?: Record<string, string | boolean | number | undefined | null>;
const AsideTagname = "AutoImportedAside";
export const asideAutoImport: Record<string, [string, string][]> = {
"./src/components/Aside.astro": [["default", AsideTagname]],
export function makeComponentNode(
name: string,
{ attributes = {} }: NodeProps = {},
...children: BlockContent[]
): any {
return {
type: "mdxJsxFlowElement",
attributes: Object.entries(attributes)
// Filter out non-truthy attributes to avoid empty attrs being parsed as `true`.
.filter(([_k, v]) => v !== false && Boolean(v))
.map(([name, value]) => ({
type: "mdxJsxAttribute",
value: value as MdxJsxAttribute["value"],
function remarkAsides(): unified.Plugin<[], mdast.Root> {
const variants = new Set(["note", "tip", "caution", "danger"]);
const transformer: unified.Transformer<mdast.Root> = tree => {
visit(tree, (node: any, index, parent) => {
if (!parent || index === null || node.type !== "containerDirective")
const type =;
if (!variants.has(type)) return;
let title: string | undefined;
remove(node, (child: any) => {
if ( {
if ("children" in child && "value" in child.children[0]) {
title = child.children[0].value;
return true;
// Replace this node with the aside component it represents.
parent.children[index] = makeComponentNode(
{ attributes: { type, title } },
return function attacher() {
return transformer;
export function astroAsides(): AstroIntegration {
return {
name: "@astrojs/asides",
hooks: {
"astro:config:setup": ({ updateConfig }) => {
markdown: {
remarkPlugins: [remarkDirective, remarkAsides()],